Who keeps the pilots and planes up in the sky?

Although we’re more familiar with the people who take charge in the air, a flight crew isn’t complete without the team on the ground.


Flight dispatchers have a very important role, which is to ensure flight safety, acting as a second pair of eyes for the pilot. They have a number of responsibilities that students who take either Aeronautical Engineering or Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AMT) courses can undertake.


Weather monitoring

A huge part of checking the safety of a flight is reviewing weather conditions such as the weather at the departure and arrival sites, during the flight itself, and even at an alternate site in cases of emergencies.

In order to be able to perform this task, one would need an extensive knowledge of weather and forecasting so that they can inform pilots with accurate information.


Plane safety

Another part of monitoring the safety of a flight is checking the mechanical performance of a plane, which is why students of Aeronautical Engineering and AMT would be great flight dispatchers. Because they learn about aircraft maintenance and the mechanical processes of an aircraft, they’d have the knowledge and the skills to be able to assess its mechanical performance.


Flight efficiency

The job of a flight dispatcher also involves flight planning. Despite automated flight plans, they still have to monitor all flights and make suggestions for alternative actions when needed. They need to be able to think quickly, especially when making decisions regarding fuel, maintenance issues, and airport delays.

This part of maintenance also involves reviewing the crew that will be flying the plane, making sure that each member is qualified and also well-rested as it’s important to have them alert.

These management skills are also taught to Aeronautical Engineering and AMT students, giving them the ability to take on the role of a flight dispatcher.



Airlines won’t be able to function properly without proper communication, especially between pilots and flight dispatchers. Because a flight dispatcher has to communicate between several pilots and monitor those flights at the same time, a good amount of concentration is needed to be able to do get the job done.

Students who take AMT and Aeronautical Engineering not only learn about the mechanical systems of aircrafts but also communication and navigation systems, which is why they can also pursue a career as a flight dispatcher.


A number of skills have to come with these roles and responsibilities, which is why flight dispatchers are well compensated. In the Philippines, a flight dispatcher can earn around P18,000 per month. In the U.S., one can earn around $2,680 monthly.
Because Aeronautical Engineering and AMT students are equipped with the right skill set needed, it’s safe to say that they would make excellent flight dispatchers. Learn more about the job and the programs over at


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