What You Might Not Know About Flight Attendants

One look at flight attendants and people think: their jobs must be so easy. All they have to do is smile and be nice. Although this is wrong, people can’t be totally blamed for thinking that way.

After all, what they see on the surface are stylishly dressed, classy-looking men and women with bright smiles and good manners. They also get to travel around the country and even the world.


An easy job with awesome perks, right?


That would technically be right–but it is not the whole story. In reality, smiling and attending to all our needs in-flight is just one of many important duties that flight attendants have.

Usually, it’s their more crucial duties that we don’t see. For example, flight attendants are trained in emergency and survival tactics in case of a plane crash or an emergency landing in water or other hostile environments.

We would certainly not want to see them in action during those circumstances, but at the same time, we’re lucky that they’re much more than just pretty faces.


Serious training

Flight attendants undergo a wide range of training including courses in hospitality and management, safety and security, and aircraft familiarization.

Under these types of training, the flight attendant must learn the following:

  • Know what type of plane they are assigned to and be familiar with the system and management of the aircraft,
  • manage to handle all kinds of passengers in all situations, especially the unruly ones,
  • to be alert, level-headed, in control, and prepared for every possible emergency, and  
  • how to fly an aircraft as part of emergency response to situations.


Qualifications and requirements

Since 2004, airline companies have required flight attendants to have their Certificate Demonstrated Proficiency issued by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), especially when the flight crew is handling more than 20 passengers.

An FAA certification attests that the flight attendant passed the following FAA programs: the use of emergency equipment, evacuation and escape, fire prevention and control,  and survival skills for any kind of crash scenario or accident.

Flight attendants must at least have a high school diploma to be able to apply for an airline company. After the general requirements, a flight attendant will undergo various training programs and qualification before their duty can begin.


Is it possible for you to become a flight attendant? The better question is, why not? In WCC, they offer two (2) months extensive and hands-on training under the Flight Attendant School’s program.

This program is designed to introduce the trainee to the updated operations of the airline industry; gather sufficient knowledge on hospitality, management, safety and security; and other essential duties and knowledge that a flight attendant must possess.


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