The Difference Between Aircraft Mechanics and Avionics Technicians

It’s no joke how complex an aircraft is, and it must be even harder trying to get it to work or having it fixed. There’s just so much that has to be maintained within one, and so much to be repaired as well. But that’s what the mechanics and technicians are for. Those two roles are essential when ensuring proper and stable usage and transportation.


They aren’t the same, though, and it’s important to know what the difference is. To start off, the biggest difference lies in what each of the two have to deal with when working on an aircraft.


The mechanic


An aircraft mechanic is responsible for all things mechanical. They have to maintain and repair the avionic and mechanical equipment in order for the aircraft to work safely and properly.


A mechanic has to make sure that all the systems and structures are checked and ready for flight. This means that they have to inspect, assess, repair, and replace all the mechanical elements of the aircraft. In order to find any problems within the aircraft, the mechanic makes use of different tools and devices such as specific computers. To fix the aircraft, however, they use various hand and mechanical tools.


According to DOLE, aircraft mechanics in the local labor market can earn from P15,000 to P25,000 a month but this can increase to P30,000 to P35,000 if one was to take on an Aircraft Mechanic A position. Internationally, they earn so much more: in the U.S., they can earn up to $3,015 a month.


The technician


If an aircraft mechanic is in charge of all the mechanical equipment then an avionics technician has to concern him or herself with all electronics systems. They have to work on running cables, mounting antennas, and installing and connecting different instruments used for navigation and engine monitoring. The other electronics that they have to maintain and fix are the passenger entertainment systems, radar, and, in military cases, missile control systems as well.


Aside from repairing and maintaining certain structures on the plane, much like a mechanic does, an avionics technician actually handles the inside of the cockpit. They are in charge of operating the aircraft alongside navigating and testing all the equipment needed. Avionics technicians also have the opportunity to modify any of the electrical systems rather than just being focused on maintaining and repairing the equipment.


Aviation technicians can earn around P16,000 to P33,000 per month, and in the U.S., their salary can range from $3,000 to $5,000. This is all depending on one’s experience and training, of course.


To get an edge in an industry that is demanding more and more in terms of on the ground manpower, you’ll need to have the best education and training available to you. Advance your dream of becoming an aircraft mechanic at WCC Aeronautical College’s BS Aeronautical Engineering course. If you prefer to work with electronics, WCC Aeronautical College also offers BS Aircraft Maintenance Technology and a 2-year training course on avionics technology. Fly high with WCC Aeronautical College!


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