Career Insight: Which Commercial Aircraft Will Dominate Asia's Skies?

Tourism is a key driver of the economy in the Asia Pacific region. It generates employment, boosts many related sectors and contributes to the overall growth and development of the economy. In recent years, the Asia Pacific region has become a major tourist destination. According to the UNESCAP, the region receives the second largest number of tourism arrivals with 28.4 percent of the world’s total. In 2011, 283.9 million arrivals were recorded, up by 21.5 million tourism arrivals from 2010. The average annual growth in tourism arrivals was 6 percent from 2005 to 2011.

Asia remains the fastest growing region in the world. According to the World Bank, for 2014, developing countries in the East Asia Pacific region will see stable economic growth at 7.1 percent. With this excellent economic performance added to the increasing accessibility of air travel, the region is expected to yield the highest air traffic growth in the world.

Alongside the growth of Asia’s economy including tourism, leading aircraft manufacturer Airbus is expected to dominate the region’s skies with its premium aircraft. Airbus believes a total of around 10,000 additional aircraft will be needed in the region to keep up with its increasing travel needs. According to a report by AviationWeek, the largest information and services provider to defense, space, and business aviation communities, the Asia Pacific market “heavily partners with Airbus,” citing the 82% unit orders the manufacturer received from the region. A number of these orders are very large aircraft — such as the A380.

There is also a need for small-scale and low-cost carriers for domestic travel within the region. The Airbus A320 is a smaller plane compared to the Boeing 747 and is ideal for domestic flights. It is built with a narrow body and is engineered for short-to-medium-distance flights. It is capable of accommodating a maximum of 220 passengers.

With its value for quality and mission in providing the highest standard of flight training, WCC Aviation Company has invested in the Airbus A320 Flight Simulator, a Level D simulator manufactured by Sim Industries of the Netherlands. The WCC Airbus A320 Flight Simulator is based on the aircraft that is quickly becoming the plane of choice for commercial flights. It comes equipped with an enclosed full cockpit which is an exact replica of the one found on an Airbus A320, a 200-degree out-of-window visuals that respond to the flight deck’s controls and an extensive airport library that can recreate 3-D images of different airport runways, cities, terrain and even weather conditions to give students an overall realistic experience.

Alongside the need for commercial aircraft will be the need for capable pilots concerning their operations. Which is why the coming years will see a boom in the aviation industry, particularly in Asia. Now would be the perfect time to think about your career options.



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