Airline Companies Ready To Dangle Top Job Perks To Lure 600,000 New Pilots

Airline companies are set to offer additional benefits to incoming pilots in order to fill the predicted pilot shortage. Aircraft companies Boeing and Airbus predicted that around 617,000 pilots will be employed from this year until 2035. As a measure to help attract more people to choose the aviation career, better compensation packages are being offered by airlines.

Among the benefits include an increase in wages, even in the entry level. There will also be a signing bonus for every new pilot to be employed. Another attempt at increasing the supply of pilots is decreasing the number of hours required for training and other certifications.

Because the demand for pilots have been increasing, this means that there will be a lot of vacancies to be filled. Forbes dubbed the profession as the career of the 2020s and 30s, following the news on the shortage.

Over the recent past years, the airline industry has been growing exponentially as economies rise. The need for air travel has stretched from personal to business. Travelling has become a popular hobby among people and as businesses join in globalization, the need to travel for work has increased, as well.

This increase has resulted in the expansion of fleets and additional production of aircraft. However, the number of new pilots can’t keep up. According to Bloomberg, large U.S airlines would start having shortages in pilots as early as 2019.

It is also predicted that the shortage will create a backlog of 15,000 pilots vacancies in 2026. The Asia Pacific Region will also be experiencing this shortage. The demand for aircrafts is continually increasing, leading to the increase in vacancies for pilot positions.

This shortage could lead to other undesirable problems such as price hikes for flights, shortages in flight availabilities, or worse, closing of commercial airlines.

The shortage is rooted from the difficulty of actually becoming a pilot. A lot of people think that aviation is an inaccessible field of study. Pilot Career News reported on the shortage and said that all pilot aspirants need is a little encouragement to pursue a career in aviation.

There are a lot of existing perks of becoming a pilot. Getting paid to travel is one of them and there’s just nothing quite like the freedom of being able to fly.

This shortage can also mean that there are a lot of opportunities waiting for future pilots. Now, all aspirants need to do is get their degree in aviation and start training to fill up all the vacancies that are predicted to be available in the near future.

Aviation courses are actually available locally. WCC is one of the best schools for aviation in the Philippines. They have the latest technology and facilities. They also have the best instructors on board. For more information, visit


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