8 Ways to Keep Your Flight Training Costs under Control

As it been a life-long dream to fly an aircraft? What’s stopping you? Perhaps it’s the high costs of flight training that’s making you a tad bit hesitant. Well, fear not. There are several things you can do to reduce those costs or at least, keep them under control.

Take note!


1. Take Time to Lesson Plan
Be prepared for your next training lessons by asking your instructor what kind of maneuvers you should expect. By doing so, you’ll be able to properly review before you arrive at the airport. You can also find a wealth of information from the pilot’s handbook that can help you get prepped.


2. Study Beforehand
Perhaps the best and most effective way to control your costs and keep them low is to simply study. As long as you know when, how, and what it is you have to do during training sessions, you’ll be able to save hours and hours in air, thereby saving yourself a few thousand pesos.


3. Review the Cockpit
Knowing about the location of things in the cockpit is only half the battle. What’s really important is knowing how to do things quickly! If it takes you a couple of seconds just to trim wheel or turn a specific switch, then you should review more. If possible, take a photo of the cockpit area using your phone.


4. Study that Checklist
Try learning a flow that will help you in properly configuring your aircraft. Do not fly by simply relying on memory. Always try to keep your checklist in hand.


5. Avoid Spending Time on the Ground
You’ll be able to get off that ramp and up into the air quickly as long as you familiarize yourself with your cockpit and checklist.


6. Make Use of Available Videos Online
There a plenty of detailed videos available online and on YouTube that are all about flight training. Type your next maneuver into the search box and you’ll find hundreds of videos waiting to be watched.


7. Try Chair Flying
Even professional pilots still do this. Before going to your next training session, go practice using an armchair. Just sit upright like you’re flying to imitate maneuvers, checklist usage, and other parts of a flight.


8. Fly Frequently
This may seem counterproductive, but it actually helps! By making your lessons frequent, you’ll be able to get the hang of it quicker and therefore, learn faster. The faster you learn, the less lessons you’ll need! Remember that.

Are you gearing up for your next training session? Make sure you study for it! Alternatively, you can also use online courses to help you prepare.

Learning how to fly an aircraft is a very expensive activity and quite costly, but as long as you remain dedicated and passionate about it, you’ll be finishing with a rating or a certificate in no time before you even know it! The best part? You’ll have saved a few extra cash in the process just by simply following the aforementioned tips! Visit for more information about aviation.


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