WCC Aeronautical and Technological College and Aviation Partnership Philippines Corporation Join Forces to Equip Students with World-Class Aviation Skills

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College (WCC-ATC) has partnered with Aviation Partnership Philippines Corporation (APLUS) to enhance the practical training and certification of aviation students at its campuses in Binalonan and North Manila.

APLUS, a leading provider in the Philippine aviation sector, is recognized as an approved training organization capable of delivering comprehensive airframe, powerplant, and avionics training courses. The company specializes in essential services such as line maintenance, light aircraft checks, and technical ramp handling for airline customers across Philippine airports.

Under this collaboration, APLUS will provide specialized training programs tailored to meet industry standards. These programs will include both theoretical knowledge and practical sessions, equipping students with essential skills and certifications that enhance their employability in today's competitive aviation market.

Both institutions are committed to cultivating the next generation of aviation professionals. By offering top-quality aviation education and practical experience, WCC-ATC and APLUS aim to address the evolving needs of the industry and ensure students are well-prepared for successful careers.


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